Marketing to Moms: Don’t Forget Hispanic Moms

August 14, 2010 § Leave a comment

I spend a lot of time in Los Angeles and often see Hispanic families enjoying many of the cultural opportunities the city has to offer.  On Sundays, they flock to parks and museums to enjoy time together as a family. One of my favorite places is the rose garden next to the Natural History Museum where families are often taking pictures (note picture of my handsome son Carter)  and enjoying lovely exhibitions such as the Butterfly Exhibit at the history museum.  I have often marveled at the closeness of these families.

Advertising Age recently published a story on the Hispanics in America which offers a fresh view of Hispanic families, remarking on how closely they exemplify our idealized concept of 1950s America.  The families are young.  They live in large, traditional, married-with-children families with lots of participation from grandparents.  They eat family meals at home and spend less than average on alcohol.  They are moving to the suburbs, are community-oriented, are Christian and value good education for their children.

Here are just a few of the facts about the Hispanic audience:

There are 50 million Hispanics, or one in six of every U.S. resident. This is a 42% increase from the 2000 Census. Hispanics are the second-largest consumer market after white non-Hispanics.

Some 91% of Hispanic children were born in the U.S., compared to only 47% adults. This group feels a strong sense of Latino identity but as they acculturate they may not spend as much time with Spanish media as their parents.   Some 27% are most comfortable in English, with another 17% comfortable in both English and Spanish.

The Hispanic population is some 10 years younger than the average for non-Hispanics, and the household size is the largest of any segment. The average Hispanic family has four members.

Hispanic households are the most geographically concentrated of any consumer segment, with eight states providing homes to 75% of all Hispanics. If you have traveled to Texas or California, then you will not be surprised that half of all Hispanics live in California or Texas.

The Hispanic Mom is a formidable market for the U.S.  For those marketing to that important Hispanic Mom, here are some things to know.

While they may be watching their novelas on Spanish television, they are also watching Desparate Housewives.  If they are seeing different spots from the same advertiser, it can be confusing.  However, poor translations can be even more confusing.

Brand choices may be established by other members of the family.  A husband may have lived in the U.S. before his wife and already have developed opinions about brands.  Children may come home from school and want products preferred by their non-Hispanic friends.  Grandmothers may still cling to the old brands they used in their home country.

All Hispanics prefer a Hispanic-friendly culture.  What does that mean?  It is more than just a translation.  It is a genuine welcoming attitude towards the Hispanic audience.  Car dealerships were among the first to recognize this important distinction.

Obviously, these Moms are focused on providing the best for their families and the family interaction is very important.  And quality is important and will be remembered on repurchase. With less to spend than other households, the quality of a product creates the value relationship.


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